What is this Orchid…..?
This Orchid was a gift and I have managed to keep it alive….. it has been touch and go, but I actually have kept it alive!
After much research, I still cannot find the specific name for this Orchid, I know it is a Palaenopsis and I am leaning towards it being a Phalaenopsis aphrodite hybrid of some description. There are two reasons that I would like to know: the first is to dazzle my Nana with my knowledge, the second is that this image has been requested by a client and they would like to know also.
I will head forth in to the internet to seek the truth for this beautiful flower…..
Thanks to this post on Facebook, it seems that it may be a Phaleanopsis ‘Sogo Lisa’. The colouring doesn’t seem to match….. it seems this will be an ongoing mission!