Tags archives: beach
Writing a Bio
- I've always been pretty open, so when I am asked a question I will answer it but the question 'can I have your bio?' ummmmm what, me? Seriously? Where do you even begin with that? So many questions! My normal answer is simple; ask me what you want to know. Perhaps that's a cop out, but it's that [...]
Summer Adventures
- It's the summer holidays and this year we went on a road trip. My mum and stepdad are two very special people, hugely special not just because they are my parents but for the values they hold. We had a week packed with adventure and I'm still recovering! First stop Aldeburgh, this was my first visit[...]
My Inspiration
- Out of all the questions I am asked, the most frequent one is what inspires me. Life. Life is most inspirational. Having previously existed through a drought of inspiration, the pain of losing that spark and the dumbing down of senses but coming out from that heavy burden has created a thirst for se[...]
The Month of the Selfie
- This month I decided to attempt to over come the lack of confidence I have with self portraits... yes I know, this is a really silly issue in the grand scheme of things but for me it has become a huge deal. Let me explain. My very first self portrait was taken just before my 29th birthday, it was a [...]
- April is always a funny month for me, primarily it's the month I was born and I always have this overwhelming urge to creative and explore, it's almost as if there is a sense of urgency. This is the month that I most likely take on the world and begin the projects that will see me reach July needed [...]
- Community is the unity of people for a common purpose, whatever this purpose may be. I am privileged enough to be the Chair of the local school's Governing Board, privileged because I am able to work with a team of dedicated people to ensure that the children who attend the school get the best po[...]
Going Back
- February is the month where spring is incoming and the remnants of winter cling on. It's also the month that I journey 'up north' every year without fail, my wonderful Nan has her birthday in February and since we moved to Norfolk we make the trip every year and spend a week indulging in the most [...]
Happy New Year 2016
- Happy 2016! My new years resolutions aren't new, they are a carry over of 2014 and 2015 with one huge exception. I say huge, it's not really huge but statistically 33% of my resolutions for the past two years have been completed and I am going to bank that! SUSHI! Where have you been all my life?[...]
Happy Christmas 2015
- Happy Christmas! I love this time of year! I will keep this short, thank you all so much for your support this year. I feel incredibly lucky! Lucy xxx